It’s been a while, but I’m back with episode 9 of (to date) Channel 4’s only ever Heavy Metal TV series!

This was the penultimate week of the show and it featured some great bands.

First up, DUMPY’S RUSTY NUTS. It doesn’t matter what kind of rock and metal fan you were in the 80s (oh, we had divisions in the genre even then), everyone loved DUMPY. His mix of humour with biker mythology entertained everyone, especially those of us within ‘hog riding’ (Dumpy joke there for the initiated) distance of London.

Here’s the Dumpster!

Next up and a bizarre inclusion for the heavy rocker crowd were glam goth hippy chart botherers DOCTOR AND THE MEDICS.

No footage of their ECT performance on YouTube so enjoy a suitable batty performance of Abba’s ‘Waterloo’ featuring Roy Wood!

Back to Heavy Metal rock’n’roll with ROCK GODDESS. Ah, all us testosterone filled metalheads had a soft spot for at least one of them! They were actually a good credible hard rock band and made a couple of decent albums.

And last up on of my favourites from that era, Scotsmen HEAVY PETTIN’. While many disliked their poodle perms and posing and called them a poor man’s DEF LEPPARD, I always loved the Petts and these two songs of their terrific ‘Rock Ain’t Dead’ album are both classics. Just don’t mention ‘A Song For Europe’……
Sorry, can't embed it - but the link below takes you to HEAVY PETTIN' on YouTube!

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